FCI-Standard N° 24/ 04. 03. 1997 /GB
TRANSLATION : Mrs. Kincaid, brought up to date by Dr. Paschoud.
ORIGIN : France.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 6 Scent Hounds and
related breeds.
Section 1.1 Large size Hounds.
With working trial.
related breeds.
Section 1.1 Large size Hounds.
With working trial.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : A very distinguished hound presenting, to a high degree of perfection, strength, elegance and lightness, with a range of the most fascinating colours.
HEAD : Long but not exaggerated, not very wide, the bones prominent with a slight occipital protuberance.
Skull : Rather flat, sloping very gently to the foreface.
Skull : Rather flat, sloping very gently to the foreface.
Nose : Strong, wide and prominent.
Muzzle : Slightly convex, long without exaggeration.
Lips : Upper lip covering the lower, muzzle tapering.
Eyes : Large, round, surrounded with black. Lovely expression.
Leathers : Of medium width, fine leather, set on a little low, medium length and slightly turned inwards.
Nose : Strong, wide and prominent.
Muzzle : Slightly convex, long without exaggeration.
Lips : Upper lip covering the lower, muzzle tapering.
Eyes : Large, round, surrounded with black. Lovely expression.
Leathers : Of medium width, fine leather, set on a little low, medium length and slightly turned inwards.
NECK : Long, slim, without dewlap.
Back : Well muscled and very well coupled.
Loin : Muscular.
Flank : Slight tuck-up but sufficiently spacious for the intestines.
Brisket : Very deep, proportionately more so than wide.
Ribs : Long.
Back : Well muscled and very well coupled.
Loin : Muscular.
Flank : Slight tuck-up but sufficiently spacious for the intestines.
Brisket : Very deep, proportionately more so than wide.
Ribs : Long.
TAIL : Medium length, fine, smooth, never with longer and coarser slightly offstanding hairs (like ears of grain) towards the tip; elegantly carried in a slight curve.
FOREQUARTERS : Straight, very muscular, lean and strong, flat and broad.
Shoulders : Long, flat and sloping, close to the chest.
Forefeet : the "wolf-foot", rather long, very resistant.
Shoulders : Long, flat and sloping, close to the chest.
Forefeet : the "wolf-foot", rather long, very resistant.
Hip : Somewhat sloping, well developed and of good length.
Thighs : Very muscular.
Hockjoint : Low to the ground, slightly bent. Hocks vertical.
Hind feet : As forefeet.
Hip : Somewhat sloping, well developed and of good length.
Thighs : Very muscular.
Hockjoint : Low to the ground, slightly bent. Hocks vertical.
Hind feet : As forefeet.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Free mover; gallops easily, bounding lightly and passing well through undergrowth.
SKIN : Black nose. Testicles varying from white to black.
HAIR : Short and glossy.
COLOUR : Tricolour with black saddle, or tricolour with large black patches; sometimes white and orange (bicolour); wolf-coloured hair is quite frequent.
SIZE : Dogs 62 to 72 cm, bitches 60 to 70 cm.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Aggressive or overly shy.
Black and white hounds.
Hounds with slightly overshot mouth not to be disqualified, but all things being equal, the hound with correct jaw is to be preferred.
Aggressive or overly shy.
Black and white hounds.
Hounds with slightly overshot mouth not to be disqualified, but all things being equal, the hound with correct jaw is to be preferred.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
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