Zapadno-Sibirskaïa Laïka WEST SIBERIAN LAIKA
FCI-Standard N° 306 / 19.08.1996 / GB
TRANSLATION : Mrs. C. Seidler.
ORIGIN : Russia.
UTILIZATION : Polyvalent hunting dog.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 5 Spitz and primitive types.
Section 2 Nordic hunting dogs.
With working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : This breed was established by crossing the closely related Chanteisker and Mansijaker strains of Laiki with the dogs of the Russian hunters of the Northern Ural and Western Siberia. Apart from the native stock in the areas where hunting is practised, this breed is widely distributed in the middle zone of Russia, where there is a big number of these dogs producted at large breeding establishments. In quite a few hunting areas there are special kennels for the breeding of West Siberian Laiki.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Medium size; strong and clean constitution; bone structure well developed but neither massive or nor coarse; muscles strong and well developed.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : Index of format (length of the body x 100 : height at withers) in dogs 103-107, in bitches 104-108.
HEAD : Not large.
Skull : Similar in shape to an equilateral triangle.
Stop : Transition from skull to muzzle gradual, barely noticeable.
Muzzle : Long and pointed. Lips dry, close fitting.
Jaw/Teeth : White, large; scissor bite.
Eyes : Oval, slanting, dark in colour.
Ears : Pricked, set on high, pointed.
NECK : Muscular, dry.
Withers : Very pronounced.
Back : Strong, straight.
Loins : Short, supple.
Croup : Broad, muscular, slightly sloping.
Chest : Well developed.
Belly : Slightly tucked up.
TAIL : Strong curl; carried over back or buttocks.
LIMBS FOREQUARTERS : Legs long; muscular, slanting shoulders; pastern not long, slightly inclined.
HINDQUARTERS : Muscular, strong, with well defined angulations of hocks. Dewclaws should be removed.
FEET : Oval, arched with tight toes.
GAIT/MOVEMENT : Typical movement : short trot, alternating with gallop.
SKIN : Thick, without any folds.
COAT HAIR : Guard hairs of outercoat hard, well developed undercoat. Top coat straight and coarse. Thanks to the well developed dense undercoat, it is somewhat “stand off” and appears profuse. On head, ears and front side of the limbs, the coat is short; on withers, neck, shoulders and rear side of the limbs, the hair is longer; it forms a beard on the cheek-bones, a collar on the neck and slight feathering on rear of limbs.
COLOUR : White, pepper and salt, red and grey in all shades; black colour permitted, also particolours and with patches of the same colours.
Height at the withers : Dogs 54 to 60 cm.
Bitches 52 to 58 cm.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Aggressive or overly shy.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
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