Tchiorny Terrier BLACK TERRIER Black Russian Terrier
FCI-Standard N° 327 / 19. 02. 1996 / GB
TRANSLATION : Translated from Russian to French on September 29, 1993 by Mr.R.Triquet, with the collaboration of Mme Annie Allain, assistant professor of Russian at the University of Lille III, France. Translated from French to English on July 28, 1995 by Christopher Arts and Jane Pampalone.
ORIGIN : Russia.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Groupe 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer –
Molossoid breeds -
Swiss Mountain and
Cattle Dogs and other breeds.
Section 1.4 Tchiorny Terrier.
Without working trial.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : The size of the Black Terriers is larger than an average dog. Black Terriers are strong, with massive one structure and well-developed muscles. The skin is tight and elastic, without any folds or dewlap.
Dogs of this breed are assertive, wary of strangers and resistant; they adjust easily to different climates. The Black Terrier must yield to training.
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE : Robust and rustic.
Faults : Feeble or fragile appearance, insufficient muscle tone.
Major faults : Light bone structure, weak muscle tone, frail and weak constitution.
INDEX OF THE FORMAT : The proportion of the length of the body vs. the height at the withers is 100 : 105.
Faults : Format slightly too large (106 : 108).
Major faults : Format too large (in excess of 108).
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Extremely energetic, hardy, stable temperament, but very lively, with strong reactions of defense.
Faults : Timid, excessively excitable, passive.
Major faults : Fearful, extremely excitable, extremely passive.
Clearly expressed, depending on the sex. Male dogs are of greater size, more masculine and more massive than bitches.
Faults : Minor deviation from the required sexual characteristics.
Major faults : Strong deviation from the required characteristics. Male with a feminine appearance or vice versa.
HEAD : Long and moderately narrow skull with well-rounded cheekbones. The forehead is flat. The stop is marked but not too pronounced. The muzzle is parallel with the topline of the skull. The muzzle is massive, slightly tapering. The length of the muzzle is slightly less than the length of the skull. The moustache and the beard give the muzzle a truncated and square appearance. The lips are thick and full. The upper lip is adjusted to the line of the lower jaw without forming flews.
Faults : Head too small, forehead rounded, stop hardly marked or excessively pronounced, protruding cheekbones, soft lips.
Major faults : Coarse head, too light or too heavy, rounded head; muzzle short, pointed or turned-up.
EARS: Attached high on the head, hanging down straight from the base, small and triangular in shape. The front rim of the ear hangs down against the cheekbones.
Faults : Ears set too low; long ears, flying ears, ears held apart from the cheekbones.
Major faults : Ears standing up from the base, semi-erect ears.
EYES : Small, oval shaped, slanted, dark in colour.
Faults : Big eyes or eye colour not sufficiently dark. Visible third eyelid. Visible haw. Presence of a milky spot on the eye.
Major faults : Light coloured eye, cross-eyed.
TEETH : Strong, white in colour, closely positioned. The incisors are positioned in one line, the bite is a scissors bite.
Faults : Poorly developed teeth, teeth not corresponding with age, damaged teeth which do not interfere with the proper occlusion of the bite. Absence of up to two of the first premolars or absence of one of the first premolars and one of the second premolars. Light tar build-up.
Major faults : Very small teeth, missing teeth; incisors not aligned; any deviation from a scissors bite; absence of an incisor or a canine, absence of a third or a fourth premolar or any molar. Teeth with severely damaged enamel.
NECK : Long, massive, dry, set at a 40 – 45 degree angle to the topline.
Faults : Short neck, blocky neck, showing a dewlap or held low.
CHEST : Large, deep, showing several well-sprung ribs. The lower part of the chest is positioned at the level of the elbows or slightly below this level.
Faults : Ribs not well sprung, chest not descending to the level of the elbows, ribcage slightly flat.
Major faults : Barrel shaped ribcage, too wide, not enough let down, flat or narrow.
ABDOMEN : Set above the lower line of the chest.
Faults : Strongly tucked-up or whippety abdomen.
WITHERS : High, clearly marked above the dorsal topline.
Faults : Low, poorly developed withers.
BACK : Straight, large, muscular.
Faults : Weak back, narrow or insufficiently muscled.
Major faults : Concave or convex back.
LOIN : Short, wide, muscular and slightly arched.
Faults : Long, insufficiently rounded.
Major faults : Badly coupled, narrow or very arched.
RUMP : Large, muscular, with a barely visible slope towards the tail, which is set high on the croup.
Faults : Horizontal rump or slightly sloping rump, insufficiently muscled.
Major faults : Slanting or narrow rump.
TAIL : Set high, thick and docked short, leaving 3 to 4 vertebrae.
Faults : Tail set low, incorrectly docked tail.
Major faults : Tail not docked.
LIMBS FOREQUARTERS : Seen from the front, the legs are straight and parallel. The angle of the shoulder blade with the upper arm is approximately 110 degrees. The elbows must point backwards. The forearms are short and vertical. The pasterns are short and straight.
Faults : Shoulder is slightly too straight, elbows slightly turned inwards or outwards; pasterns weak, outwards or inwards.
Major faults : Upright shoulder; strong deviation of the elbows; deviation of the forearm; knuckling over, down or pastern.
HINDQUARTERS : Seen from behind, the legs are straight and parallel, but held more wide than the front legs. The thighs are muscular and well developed. The lower thighs are long and set obliquely. The hock joint is dry and well developed. The hocks (metatarsals) are massive, long and almost vertical.
Faults: Weak muscle tone, short legs, slightly cow hocked legs (or bow-legged). Angulations slightly too straight or the angle at the hock too narrow. Hare feet.
Major faults : The same as above, but more pronounced. Rump too high. Hock joints perfectly straight or with a very narrow angulation.
FEET : (Fore- and hind feet) : Thick, with well arched pads, rounded in shape.
Faults : Feet pointing outwards or inwards.
Major faults : Feet flat or crooked.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Easy, harmonious and fluid. A slow trot or the gallop are the most typical movements. When trotting, the legs must move in a straight line, with the front legs converging towards a median line. The back and the loin show an elastic movement.
Faults : Slight deviation from the requirement that the legs move in a straight line. Insufficient extension of the front or hind legs.
Major faults : Restricted or clumsy movement, movement of the hind legs not straight (crab-like movement), unbalanced movement of the rump (rolling movement of the hindquarters), pacing movement.
COAT HAIR : The hair is rough, hard, ample and extremely dense. The broken’s hair length is between 1.6 and 3.9 inches (4 – 10 cm) and covers the entire body. On the muzzle, the coat forms a rough, brushy moustache on the upper lip and a beard on the lower lip. Above the eyes, the eyebrows are rough and bristled. On the neck and the withers, the coat is longer and forms a mane. The forelegs down until the elbows and the hind legs until the thighs are covered by a rough and long coat. The undercoat is dense and well-developed
Faults : Straight hair, not broken. Wavy hair, soft hair, hair longer than 3.9 inches (10 cm). Insufficient formation of moustache, beard or eyebrows. Frizzy hair.
Major faults : Hair too long (in excess of 5.9 inches (15 cm)), soft hair, falling hair, short hair, smooth hair; absence of coat developments on head or legs.
COLOUR : Black or black with grey hairs.
Faults : Brown or grey shadings, small white spot on chest.
Major faults : Brown or grey coat, reddish patches; white spots on chin, head, neck and legs.
Male dogs : 25.7 – 28.1 inches (66 - 72 cm).
Bitches : 25.0 – 27.3 inches (64 - 70 cm).
Faults : Slightly leggy or short on the legs. Height at withers of male dogs below 25.7 inches (66 cm) or above 28.1 inches (72 cm); height at the withers of bitches below 25.0 inches (64 cm) or above 27.3 inches (70 cm).
Major faults : Rump set too high or withers too low. Height at withers of male dogs below 25.4 inches (65 cm) or above 28.9 inches (74 cm); height at withers of bitches below 24.6 inches (63 cm) or above 28.1 inches (72 cm).
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Aggresive or overly shy.
Any deviation from the scissors-bite requirement.
Parti-coloured coat. White markings on feet. Red patches. Grey coat.
Absence of an incisor or a canine. Absence of any third premolar or any fourth premolar. Absence of any molar.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
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