FCI-Standard N° 68 / 18. 06. 1996 / GB
ORIGIN : Austria.
UTILIZATION : The Tyrolean Hound is the ideal working dog for the hunter in wood and mountains. It is used as scenthound for hunting on its own hare and fox while giving tongue as well as for tracking all kinds of wounded games.
CLASSIFICATION FCI : Group 6 Scenthounds and related breeds.
Section 1.2 Medium-sized Scenthounds.
With working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The Tyrolean Hound (Tiroler Bracke) originates, as do all types of Bracke, from the Keltenbracke (Celtic Hound). With its dense doublecoat it represents the purest type of game hunting hounds. Already around 1500 Emperor Maximilian 1st used first this noble Bracke in Tyrol and for hunting and mentioned in his hunt diaries that he took his lead hounds (limiers) from them. In 1860, pure breeding from certain strains began in Tyrol and in 1896 a standard was drawn up which was officially recognized in 1908. From the many types of Bracke native to the Tyrol, only the red and the black and tan colour varieties remain. In 1994, the short-legged variety of the Tyrolean Hound was delated.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Medium size. Bone of medium strength, strong, muscular, sinewy. Flowing, long outline. Robust and healthy. Shape long, rectangular, slightly longer than high.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Steady, passionate hunting hound with fine scenting ability. Works independently and hunts with endurance, whereby giving tongue clearly and following scent firmly with a good sense of direction.
Skull : Broad, clean, lightly arched.
Stop : Clearly defined.
Nose : Black leather. Not vertically cut off.
Muzzle : Moderately deep, straight.
Lips : Short and close fitting.
Jaws/Teeth : Strong complete scissor bite. A complete set with 42 teeth is sought after; the absence of totally two PM1 or PM2 (premolar 1 or 2) is tolerated; the M3 (molar 3) are not taken into account.
Eye : Large, not deep set. Lid aperture round. Iris dark brown, edge of third eyelid pigmented. Lids fitting taut against eyeballs.
Leathers : Broad, set on high, rounded at ends, reaching to top Canine when moderately extended.
NECK : Moderately arched, set on neither high or low, dry without dewlap.
BODY : Long trunk.
Withers : Pronounced, forming highest point of the top line.
Back : Straight, taut and moderately broad.
Croup : Sloping moderately, not steep, broad and long.
Chest : Very deep, moderately broad. Well rounded forechest.
Belly : With slight tuck up.
TAIL : Set on high, reaching at least to hock joint. Carried high when excited. Sabre shaped curve permitted, thick brush-like tail desired.
Shoulder : Laid back, well muscled.
Upper arm : Well angulated.
HINDQUARTERS : Joints in hindquarters well angulated.
Upper thigh : Broad and very muscled.
FEET : Strong with tightly closed, well arched toes and strong pads.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Ground covering, very quick and enduring.
COAT HAIR : Thick double coat, undercoat coarse rather than fine. Hairy belly. Buttocks well feathered. Tail well coated with dense brush.
COLOUR : Red or black and tan (may also be tricolour).
Red variety : Red, deer red or red-fawn, too pale fawn is not desired.
Black and Tan variety : Black main coat or saddle with red usually not clearly defined markings on legs, belly and head. Marking above eyes (Vieräugl) permitted.
White markings (Apply to both colour varieties) : Stripe on neck, patch on fore or back chest and feet and legs. Lack of white markings not to be counted as a fault.
Height at withers : 42-50 cm.
Dogs 44 – 50 cm.
Bitches 42 – 48 cm.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Too weedy or too high on the leg. Too short on the leg.
Coarse skull.
Pendant lips.
Glass or wall eye.
Leathers too short, too long or folded.
Too long, too soft in back.
Shy temperament.
Aggresive or overly shy.
Nose brown.
Over or undershot bite.
Absence of more than two premolars 1 or 2.
Distinctly pied colouring.
Liver colour.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
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