Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Epagneul de Pont-Audemer PONT-AUDEMER SPANIEL

Epagneul de Pont-Audemer PONT-AUDEMER SPANIEL

FCI-Standard N° 114 / 25. 09.1998 / GB

TRANSLATION : Mrs. Peggy Davis.

ORIGIN : France.


UTILIZATION : Pointing dog.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 7 Pointing Dogs.
Section 1.2 Continental Pointing Dogs, « Spaniel » type.
With working trial.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Stocky and vigorous dog.


Skull : Round and developed at the top, occipital crest prominent; the parietals are rather round. The forehead rising towards the topknot which must be very curly and well placed on the top of the skull, leaving the forehead bare.
Stop : Forming a weak angle, although marked.

Nose : Brown, protruding perceptibly above the front of the lips, rather pointed.
Muzzle : Long, arched in the middle part.
Lips : Fine and slightly let down, making the muzzle rather pointed.
Eyes : Dark amber or hazel, rather small, well set into the socket; kind and frank expression.
Ears : Medium thickness, flat, set on rather low in such a way as to keep them away from the cheeks; long and furnished with long silky very curly hair, joining the top knot to show a beautiful curly wig really framing the head.

NECK : A little arched, neat, well muscled, joining finely to the head and solidly to the shoulders.

Back : Straight or slightly convex.
Loin : Quite short, broad, solid, muscular.
Croup : Very slightly oblique.
Chest : Deep, broad, going down fully to level of the elbow; ribs ong and protruding, the last rib close to the hip.
Flanks : Flat and a little raised.

TAIL : Set almost at the level of the loin line, carried quite straight, generally docked to one third of its length; thick at the base, well feathered with curly hair which should surround the tail completely. When the tail is not docked, it must be of medium length, carried a little curved.

LIMBS : The legs must be rather short, the dog being rather low to the ground, yet without falling into the Cocker type.

Shoulders : Strong, long, sloping, close at the point where they join the spinal column.
Upper arm : Strong and muscled.

Haunch : Prominent and reaching the height of the back.
Thighs : Straight, well let down, muscular, fleshy, with culottes. Point of buttock prominent.
Hock joint : Broad and straight, without deviation either in or out.
Hocks : Rather short, furnished especially at the back with a curly fringe. Dewclaws to be avoided.

FEET : Round, set true, furnished with long, curly hairs between the toes.


HAIR : Curly and slightly ruffled.

COLOUR : Brown, preferably brown and grey mottled, with dead leaf glints.

52 - 58 cm.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Skull flat on the sides, forehead parallel to the muzzle; lack of topknot, topknot reaching to the superciliary arches or topknot formed by hanging hair.
Stop forming a weak angle, although marked.
Nose black, pale, dudley nose or round.
Muzzle short or too convex.
Lips thick, with flews.
Eyes too light, set level with the head surface or too sunken. Look unfriendly or vicious.
Ears thick, folded, too short, set too high, carried either forward or backward.
Neck too heavy, flat on its top line, too thick in its junction with the head.
Back long, narrow or hollow.
Loin long, narrow or flat.
Croup falling steeply away, too straight.
Chest insufficiently let down, too round or hollow; ribs flat or too close together.
Flanks too fleshy, too deep.
Tail set too high or too low, too curved, carried sabre fashion with a plume.
Shoulders short, straight, wide apart at the summit.
Upper arm thin.
Haunch low set.
Thigh flat.
Hock joints deviated, straight, too wide apart or too close together.
Hocks long, oblique from back to front or deviating to the right or the left, without fringes.
Feet narrow, much too broad, too hairy; fleshy pads.
Coat too flat, too curly, too hard or too fine; topknot not curly or falling as in the Poodle.
Colour black or black and white, presence of tan markings.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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